Sebastian Stan, în vârstă de 42 de ani, a surprins pe toată lumea cu discursul lui de mulțumire de la premiile Globurile de Aur 2025. El a decis să mulțumească inclusiv în limba română la primirea premiului și a avut numai cuvinte de laudă despre tatăl său vitreg, cu care actorul a avut o relație […]
The text snippet appears to be about an interview with Sebastian Stan about his on-screen and possible off-screen relationship with actor Tony Tatau, who plays his father in a movie or TV show.
The central idea is a mix of curiosity about Tony Tatau's role and insight into Stan's perspective on their connection, possibly hinting at a close bond built through their repeated interactions.
However, the "Service unavailable" message suggests that the actual interview content is inaccessible at this moment.
The text snippet appears to be about an interview with Sebastian Stan about his on-screen and possible off-screen relationship with actor Tony Tatau, who plays his father in a movie or TV show. The central idea is a mix of curiosity about Tony Tatau's role and insight into Stan's perspective on their connection, possibly hinting at a close bond built through their repeated interactions. However, the "Service unavailable" message suggests that the actual interview content is inaccessible at this moment.